Projects of Turkistan Region

All Sectors


11/3/20232 min read

Here we offer various projects implemented by the Akimat of the Turkestan region in different sectors of the economy. These projects are the result of cooperation with NCE Atameken, Kazakhinvest and other regional organizations.

One of the key sectors in which active work is being carried out is tourism. The Turkestan region has a rich cultural and historical heritage, which attracts many tourists. As part of the project for the development of tourism in the region, work was carried out to restore and preserve historical monuments, create new tourist routes and train local residents in the field of hospitality.

Another important sector is agriculture. As part of the project for the development of agriculture in the Turkestan region, steps have been taken to increase the productivity and quality of agricultural products. Measures were taken to modernize agricultural enterprises, introduce new technologies and train local farmers.

In addition, the Akimat of the Turkestan region is actively working on the development of industry. One of the projects in this area is the construction of new production enterprises and the modernization of existing ones. Investments were attracted to develop industrial zones and create new jobs.

All these projects are aimed at developing the economy of the Turkestan region and improving the quality of life of local residents. They make it possible to create new jobs, increase income levels and develop the region’s infrastructure.

List of projects in the Turkestan region as of November 1, 2023:

List of submitted projects of the Turkestan region as of November 1, 2023:

To place projects in the projects section of the Turkestan region, you must:

  1. Download the form for posting projects on the website (Download)

  2. Fill out the form, preferably in 3 languages

  3. Send the completed form to

  4. Make sure that the project is posted on the website (3 days after submission)

  5. If contacted by investors and interested parties, organize a meeting within TIF2023